Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey  (Read 653 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey
« on: July 18, 2022, 09:23:44 pm »
Pox The Monkey

Forty years after AIDS first showed up in the gay male community, the band is still playing on

By Rod Dreher
July 18, 2022

Sign of the times:

This is something I will never understand: how promiscuity is so much a part of anyone’s life. Remember when we were told that gay male promiscuity had to do with the fact that society wouldn’t let them partner and marry? It was always absurd. It had to do with the fact that men have a high sex drive, and without the restraints of religious taboos or having to negotiate the complexities of female desire, many will act like rutting apes.

Do you want to know what monkeypox can do to you? If you’re not too squeamish, check out these NSFW photos on the New England Journal of Medicine site, of monkeypox lesions on male genitals. It’s breathtakingly horrible. Here’s a link to the information veteran science reporter Donald G. McNeil gives about monkeypox, via Bari Weiss’s site. Excerpts:

This May, it appeared among gay men, especially those who had visited four venues: the Darklands leather fetish festival in Belgium; the annual Pride Festival in Spain’s Canary Islands; a gay rave at Berlin’s Berghain techno club; and the Paraiso sauna in Madrid, which, since it had darkened cubicles for orgies, a bondage cell and a bar, was really more of a huge sex club than a spa.

Even though one “sex-positive” party after another has turned into super-spreader events, there has been no willingness by the organizers of such parties to cancel or even reschedule them until more men can be vaccinated.  June was Pride Month in New York and cases are surging in the city now. Two recent parties in San Francisco,   Electroluxx Pride and the Afterglow Blacklight Discotheque had cases linked to them. And yet more events, like Provincetown Bear Week are going forward anyway.

Outside of Africa, the disease has not killed anyone yet. But for some victims, the pain—especially from pustules inside the mouth or rectum—is so severe that it requires hospitalization. Others feel miserable for weeks; a few get permanent scars. Also, those with monkeypox are supposed to stay in isolation until all the pox crust over and the scabs fall off, which can take up to a month.

The negligible fatality rate won’t necessarily persist if the virus escapes its current network: mostly young, mostly healthy adult men.

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We will never talk frankly about risky gay male sex networks, or do anything else like that. We have been vaccinated against common sense by wokeness. The late gay journalist Randy Shilts wrote in his acclaimed 1987 book And The Band Played On about the indifference and folly that led to AIDS becoming a massive public health crisis. He talked about government’s failures, but also the failures of the gay community, which did not want to be told what not to do with its collective body. From Shilts’s book (I can’t cut and paste from the excerpt on Amazon, just photograph parts, hence the incomplete sentences:

*  *  *

You get the point. And now, monkeypox, which, thank God, is not nearly as severe as AIDS, but it’s bad enough. And yet, here we are. Nobody is talking bluntly about any of this. Nobody is talking about shutting down bathhouses and sex clubs. I just checked the website of the gay magazine Advocate to see what its coverage of monkeypox is like. As of 6pm central European time on Monday, the first 27 stories on the site, here’s the only one about monkeypox:

Incredibly revealing about priorities, no?

*  *  *


Offline Kamaji

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Re: Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2022, 09:24:19 pm »

This is something I will never understand: how promiscuity is so much a part of anyone’s life. Remember when we were told that gay male promiscuity had to do with the fact that society wouldn’t let them partner and marry? It was always absurd. It had to do with the fact that men have a high sex drive, and without the restraints of religious taboos or having to negotiate the complexities of female desire, many will act like rutting apes.

Offline mountaineer

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Re: Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2022, 10:25:16 pm »
Gay conservative commentator Chad Green notes:
Chad Felix Greene
A short story on monkeypox.
A guy who is just over COVID decides to go to a birthday orgy with 20 men. The host was a nurse so it was OK.
After literally ingesting urine for hours, he gets infected with monkeypox.
The moral: It's pointless to warn gay men to have safe sex.

The guy in question is a sex worker as well. He describes sex as his life and his living. He has a massive social media following.  Whenever gays smugly lecture on stereotypes, just keep in mind why most of them exist. ...
Entire thread at https: // (remove the space)
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Offline Kamaji

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Re: Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2022, 10:29:46 pm »
Gay conservative commentator Chad Green notes:Entire thread at https: // (remove the space)

If it's pointless to warn gay men to have safe sex, then they should be solely responsible for all of the consequences, including the likely social ostracism that will result from people who don't want to be associated with someone like that.

If gay men cannot use their brains to be rational and responsible, then let the cold hard hand of consequence school them, and weed out the most irresponsible and unlucky.

Offline Sighlass

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Re: Rod Dreher: Pox The Monkey
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2022, 10:47:36 pm »
Gays will get vaxxed and if that works, keep doing what they do until something worse comes along. As the article suggested, they are addicted to their perversion.
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