Author Topic: Rod Dreher: LGBT Ideology Über Alles  (Read 191 times)

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Rod Dreher: LGBT Ideology Über Alles
« on: July 11, 2022, 07:34:14 pm »
LGBT Ideology Über Alles

A civilization that destroys the family and the gender binary destroys itself.

By Rod Dreher
July 11, 2022

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Earlier today, I posted this to Twitter:

Here is the text from the Times:

I stand by what I said: stop living like a rutting animal, and maybe you won’t get monkeypox, you weirdo. Well, someone in Germany complained to Twitter about this tweet of mine, and under German law, Twitter has to let me know. Twitter reviewed my tweet and said it didn’t break any rules, so it stands.

I suppose to some people, it’s bigotry to say you should avoid having multiple sexual encounters with random strangers if you want to avoid catching a communicable disease. If we had a sane public health system, they would close the bathhouses. But we don’t, so they won’t. And we will all be expected to pretend that we don’t see what is right in front of our noses, because promiscuity is a sacred ritual among Americans, especially gay male Americans.

Meanwhile, some states and hospital systems are working to allow minor children to direct their own gender transition without parental consent or knowledge. This is not paranoia; it’s really happening:

In Washington, children as young as 13 are now allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery and other questionable medical treatments without parental consent.


New York has hopped on the bandwagon of removing parents from the treatment room as well. New York-Presbyterian recently sent out emails to their patients explaining that accounts for 12-17-year-olds must be updated to reflect the adolescent’s personal email address as the primary contact as New York State law allows children “to keep their sensitive medical information private and to consent to some of their own medical treatment.”

There are more examples — read the whole report.

Jeremy Carl is 1000 percent right here: if the GOP doesn’t stand up loud and effectively against this insanity, telling parents to vote Republican if they don’t want their children to be transitioned without their consent, it might as well surrender now. At the risk of sounding like a Live Not By Lies broken record, the people who lived under Soviet communism understand what’s happening here: the State inserted itself between them and their children all the time. (By the way, if you haven’t seen the podcast interview Jordan Peterson did with me, take a look.)

Just as consumer culture treats babies like accessories and incentivizes mothers to hire themselves out as brood mares, the ruling class globally is doing its best to de-sex humanity. “Medical Lysenkoism” is the correct term:

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