Author Topic: Biden’s Middle Passage – Slaves Are Still Dying On The Way To America  (Read 197 times)

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Biden’s Middle Passage – Slaves Are Still Dying On The Way To America
The slavers still don't care...

Sam Faddis
Jul 3

The Middle Passage is a historical term. It refers to the crossing of the Atlantic by slave ships bound for the Americas. Slaves would be bought in the slave markets of West Africa, loaded onto slave ships, and confined below decks in unimaginable squalor. Chained together, unable to move, they would suffer and die by the droves. The bodies of the dead were simply dumped overboard and consigned to the deep.

That Middle Passage no longer exists. A new one does, however. It is a creation of Joe Biden, his corporate overlords, and the Mexican drug cartels – today’s new slavers.

 Our southern border no longer exists. Millions of illegal immigrants are entering the country across that now completely imaginary boundary. They are being deliberately brought here in part to change the political balance of power in this country. They are also being brought here to be America’s new slaves.

All over the country powerful economic interests demand an unending supply of labor that will work off the books, under horrific conditions and never complain. Just as King Cotton depended on the blood, sweat, and tears of black slaves for survival, so too do many businesses in food service, construction, and other fields today.