Author Topic: Nepotism And Official Oppression in Neches ISD  (Read 809 times)

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Nepotism And Official Oppression in Neches ISD
« on: July 17, 2022, 01:08:57 am »
Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog 7/15/2022

Hayden Sparks at The Texan news has the story of a long-simmering scandal at Neches ISD finally reaching trial.

    A former elementary school principal is scheduled to be tried in Palestine next month on charges of official oppression and evidence tampering stemming from allegations that she impeded an investigation into suspected sexual abuse of children.

    Kimberlyn Snider — the principal of Neches Elementary School — was indicted by an Anderson County grand jury on five misdemeanor counts of official oppression and one count of tampering or fabricating physical evidence with intent to impair, a third-degree felony.

I note that this is the second “Official Oppression” charge I’ve reported in as many months. Anderson County is a rural Texas county located between Lufkin and Dallas.

    Per online records, the criminal case against Mrs. Snider is set for trial on August 8 in the 87th District Court, where Judge Deborah Oakes presides. Mrs. Snider’s first trial in March was canceled after her attorney had a medical emergency during court proceedings.

    After Mrs. Snider was indicted in January 2021, the Neches Independent School District Board of Trustees extended her contract with the school district through June 2023, local media reported. The decision to keep her employed with the district was made by her husband, Randy Snider, Neches ISD’s superintendent at the time.

Yes, it’s a great mystery how she got an extenstion. Randy Snider resigned as of June 2021.

    In April, the school board hired Amy Wilson to be the new elementary school principal after Mrs. Snider was placed on administrative leave. Mr. Snider stepped down as superintendent in May of last year and was eventually replaced by Cory Hines.

    Kaitlin Scroggins, who leads a local group called Change for Neches that opposes Mrs. Snider, spoke favorably of Wilson and called her appointment “a great new start” in a video posted on social media.

    “The only problem that I have, which is something that I spoke on this evening, was that we’re still paying two different salaries,” Scroggins said, referencing the fact that Snider still receives a paycheck while on administrative leave.
