Author Topic: Church members rescue 2 girls from attempted kidnapping, Florida police say  (Read 607 times)

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Church members rescue 2 girls from attempted kidnapping, Florida police say

 Two girls were rescued from an attempted kidnapping by members of a Florida church according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.

The harrowing incident unfolded on Sunday just after 6 p.m. when the two girls left a restaurant in FishHawk Ranch but were followed by a man who was unknown to them.

The man was later identified as 37-year-old David Daniels, according to police who said he told the girls that he would "supervise" them leaving the restaurant.

“He did not know these children and these children definitely did not know him,” said Jessica Lang of the sheriff's office.

Lang said Daniels followed the two girls who used their bikes to ride to a nearby church.

“At this point, he’s following them out of the restaurant and starts to hit one of the children over the head and continues to follow them,” said Lang.

The girls went into a church to look for help, but the man followed them. ............
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