Author Topic: Don Surber Prediction — Biden will resign after November wipeout…  (Read 149 times)

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Online Elderberry

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Don Surber 6/9/2022

20 million Biden voters (24%) disapprove of him

Politico reported, "Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks to New Low.

"Trump was markedly more popular at a similar point in his presidency."

Of course. Biden is the worst America has to offer. He is a Washington lifer. He has the most time in DC of anyone now in that city as he entered the Senate at 30 in 1973. He's 79. He is a fool, an incompetent and a crook.

I hear America singing. Its song is bleep Joe Biden.

He's being poll-verized.

Politico reported, "President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has reached a new low, according to Morning Consult/Politico tracking, slipping below 40% for the first time since he entered office."

His numbers at this point in his presidency are lower than Trump's, and remember that Obama led a resistance -- an actual attempt at a coup -- from Day One.

Biden is a full 6 points below where Trump was at this point in his presidency.

So much for the power of the press.

The story said, "The latest survey found that 58% of voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance and 39% approve. It marks the 46th president’s lowest approval rating and highest disapproval rating in 62 weekly surveys conducted since he took office in January 2021.

"For comparison, Biden’s latest numbers are worse than Donald Trump’s were at this time four years ago, when 45% approved and 52% disapproved of the former president. Biden’s popularity, or lack thereof, mirrors Trump’s standing in June 2020, when the nation was grappling with the twin crises of the pandemic and the response to the murder of George Floyd."
