Author Topic: Why I Refuse to Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee  (Read 105 times)

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Why I Refuse to Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee

You know things aren’t right when even people who attempt to cooperate are attacked, and when documents given to the committee are leaked, and in some instances doctored, by the committee.

By Andy Biggs
June 8, 2022

Some people have asked me why I refuse to testify before the illegitimate January 6 committee. They say, “Ooooh, you must have something to hide or else you would testify.” I say that type of thinking is not only naïve in this age of political warfare, but it is also dangerously un-American.

Every institution of this nation has been weaponized by the Left for the purpose of arrogating power to themselves and destroying their political enemies. They want to ruin everyone they believe is standing in their way of turning America into the leftist paradise of which they dream.

Have we forgotten how the Federal Bureau of Investigation was used to spy on President Trump during his campaign for president in 2016? Testimony at the Michael Sussman trial confirmed that Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump’s opponent, instigated the Russia collusion hoax.

The media went along with it. The media supported it. And, the media used the fake Russia story to try and derail Trump’s candidacy and then his presidency.

After Trump was elected, Clinton constantly referred to him as illegitimate and the pawn of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Even after the Mueller Report debunked that mad theory, some members of the January 6 committee still believe and propagate the hoax.

Yes, the media and the federal government have been weaponized.

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Now we must also consider the attempt to destroy the House of Representatives as an institution.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has repeatedly rammed through changes in the way the House operates to give herself more power, to empower her congressional allies, and to minimize the traditional rights of the minority party.

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Then Pelosi rigged the January 6 committee itself. In an unprecedented step, she denied House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) selections for the committee. She appointed the anti-Trump, anti-Republican duo of Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), ensuring only members who supported her desired political outcome would serve on the committee.

The committee has been issuing subpoenas to the public and now, members of Congress, without authority. The committee is required to submit subpoena requests to the ranking member of the committee before subpoenas can be issued. But there is no true ranking member. Pelosi removed the ranking member McCarthy selected to represent the Republican conference.

Liz Cheney, while still officially and unbelievably a member of the Republican conference, was not appointed to the committee with the support of the conference. She was instead chosen by Pelosi to be a lackey for the Left’s desired political outcome. Without a true ranking member, the committee cannot properly issue a subpoena.

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Recently, the committee leaked a text message that I sent to Meadows shortly after the 2020 presidential election. That the committee is leaking anything is absolutely indicative of the bias of its members.

Pundits and the press went berserk about my text to Meadows. The headlines and stories were misleading and hyperbolic.

The substance of the text show that state legislatures and governors in states where there was alleged fraud may have had a legal path to the prevent certification of electors.

That was true then. It remains true today.

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I have watched the Star Chamber proceedings of the January 6 committee and have reached the conclusion that not only is it illegitimately formed, in violation of the rules of the House, it is manifestly organized for one purpose: a search and destroy mission against any and all perceived political enemies.

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