Author Topic: Dems: Latinos Are Too Stupid to Know When They're Subjected to 'Misinformation'  (Read 91 times)

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Dems: Latinos Are Too Stupid to Know When They're Subjected to 'Misinformation'

Julio Rosas
May 13, 2022

"Democrats are the real racists" is a meme among the Right but, like many jokes, it has an element of truth to it. This is exemplified when Congressman Darren Soto posted a letter on Twitter that was sent to the Department of Justice expressing concern about how "Spanish language voters are highly susceptible to misinformation and must be protected."

"As we saw in the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections, the proliferation of mis- and disinformation has grown at an alarming rate, especially that which is targeted at minority and non-English speaking communities...there is no reason to believe this will stop ahead of the 2022 election," the letter stated.

That's right. Democrats are dreading the very likely outcome of the upcoming midterms and are looking to blame it all on misinformation and disinformation. They can't accept their own policies are hurting the very electorate they claim to care about. Everything from inflation to high crime to the border crisis has all soured Latinos' opinions on the Democrats. No racial group likes the idea of having to pay more for groceries, assuming the shelves are stocked, after paying out the nose for gas and oh by the way, you just got mugged on the way out the door.

Being concerned about these real world problems, according to Democrats, means you're watching too much Fox News and don't realize you're being lied to. Seems quite racist to me, but as a Latino myself, I guess I'll never know the truth.

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