Author Topic: Why can’t these loathsome elites just give up the masked charade?  (Read 74 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Why can’t these loathsome elites just give up the masked charade?

By Douglas Murray
May 12, 2022

On a visit to DC this week I discovered something everybody might know. Which is that dwellers in the swamp still wear masks. Unlike most New Yorkers, the DC crowd still like to cover their faces as they walk down the streets. If you get into a lift unmasked they still glare at you like New Yorkers did a couple of years ago.

It’s a reminder that different parts of the country are throwing off the COVID restrictions at different speeds. Just like nations. Even now there are places like New Zealand that are still reacting to COVID as though it was the bubonic plague. In fact I would guess that in decades to come those of us who once went there will tell our grandchildren about that majestic country. Immortalized in the “Lord of the Rings,” we will explain how it then cut itself off from the rest of the world in the 2020s. Who will believe our stories of that far-off land?

As a New Yorker it is easy to sometimes feel smug about our city getting going again. But while much of life has returned to normal, plenty of it still has not.

No city wants to get going as much as this one. But we’re not back yet. The city’s office districts are still much quieter than they should be. Too many companies are still worried about ordering their staff back to the office. And too many young employees are still getting away with pretending that they are worried about returning to work because of the virus, when in fact it is purely about lifestyle. One of the greatest con tricks ever. And so there are still vast uninhabited swathes of office-space in the city. With all the knock-on effects to local businesses that this has. Not a good sign of things returning to normal.

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