Author Topic: Downed Russian fighter jets are being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards,' UK defense min  (Read 81 times)

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Downed Russian fighter jets are being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards,' UK defense minister says (Bill Bostock) - 3h ago

Russia is taping basic GPS systems to the dashboards of Su-34 fighter jets, the UK defense minister said.

Ben Wallace said this was due to "the poor quality" of Russia's own navigation systems.

Russia's military hardware, much of which is outdated, is being tested as the invasion drags on.

How the Kremlin is trying to make Ukrainian towns Russian, from installing puppet leaders to flying Soviet flags

How the Kremlin is trying to make Ukrainian towns Russian, from installing puppet leaders to flying Soviet flags
Russian authorities are attempting to strip occupied Ukraine of its national culture.

Russia has installed its flags, monuments, and politicians in several Ukrainian cities and towns.

The occupied city of Kherson is even being forced to use the Russian ruble.


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Before we get too uppity, we need to remember the Bismark  was stopped by some old bi-plane that was too slow to shoot down. :pondering: