Author Topic: No More Ballots in the Wild  (Read 81 times)

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No More Ballots in the Wild
« on: May 10, 2022, 12:29:09 pm »
No More Ballots in the Wild

The easiest way to restore trust in the election process is to ban mail-in voting.

By Josiah Lippincott
May 9, 2022

When the French people voted for a new president in April, they did so on a single day using paper ballots filled out in the privacy of official polling stations. France, being a normal First World democracy, takes election security seriously. Electronic voting machines are virtually never used. Mail-in voting has been banned nationwide since 1975 out of security fears. Voter rolls are regularly purged of the dead and those who have moved. It is a given that every French voter must show identification before being allowed to fill out a ballot.

The United States, by contrast, is an oligarchy (a regime where the elite rules) that is only pretending to be a democracy. This is why we use a Third World banana republic election system.

No reasonable observer of the 2020 election in this country could draw any other conclusion. The week-long vote count, the midnight vote total changes, the months of early voting, and the unilateral changes to election law in multiple states without legislative approval prior to the election are all signs of the profound brokenness of the American election system. Were these behaviors to appear elsewhere, our foreign policy class would have already denounced that nation as undemocratic.

The BBC, in a 2016 article on the tell-tale signs of election fraud, argued that a “delay in announcing results” is but one example of election misbehavior.

In America, however, pointing out that such irregularities happened in 2020 is grounds for censorship by “private” tech companies and politicized prosecution from the federal government. This is the lesson from the January 6 protest. 

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D’Souza’s film has its silly moments, but the meat of the film—an interview with Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Philips of True the Vote—is worth the price of admission. Put simply, True the Vote bought and analyzed cell phone tracking data from swing states collected by advertisers in the month leading up to Election Day. That data shows a suspiciously high number of “devices” (individuals) who made repeat trips to and from leftist NGOs and state-run ballot boxes in places like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit.

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