Author Topic: Susan Collins Dashes Democrat Delusions of 'Codifying' Abortion Into Law  (Read 96 times)

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Susan Collins Dashes Democrat Delusions of 'Codifying' Abortion Into Law

By Bonchie
May 05, 2022

With “abortion rights” taking center stage over the last week after a leak signaled the Supreme Court is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats have been making all kinds of wild statements about what they are going to do next.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren appeared to have a stroke on camera on Tuesday, as she gyrated about, proclaiming how she was going to “fight” the probable Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe. Meanwhile, Rep. Cori Bush proclaimed that not only should abortion rights be “codified” by Congress, but that the government should force pro-life individuals to pay for abortion services.

But on the topic of codifying the ability to kill babies in the womb into the nation’s laws, it appears Democrats have gotten out over their skis again. Sen. Susan Collins, who has criticized Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked majority decision overturning Roe, is apparently a no-go, citing a multitude of issues.

I’m constantly amazed at how politically stupid the modern Democrat party is, especially under the tutelage of President Joe Biden and Sen. Chuck Schumer. It is at least conceivable to write a law that Collins would support. After all, she’s a pro-abortion zealot, despite being a “Republican” from the blue state of Maine. Yet, instead of sitting down with her and coming up with a narrow bill that contains some moderation and nuance, Democrats went full “Leroy Jenkins” again, not even stopping to consider that they could lose the votes of some who otherwise might side with them.

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