Author Topic: The US Air Force Has a Fighter Gap Problem  (Read 79 times)

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The US Air Force Has a Fighter Gap Problem
« on: May 05, 2022, 04:16:41 pm »
The US Air Force Has a Fighter Gap Problem
3 May 2022
19FortyFive | By Mackenzie Eaglen

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After making progress for years in getting Congress to approve unpopular early weapons retirements, the Air Force is hitting a brick wall. Service leaders have simply gone too far -- with plans to get rid of 1,500 aircraft over the next five years while buying just 467 new aircraft. 

The plan to shrink and age the Air Force further and faster is also colliding with readiness challenges and a stubborn fighter gap. A recent House hearing quickly narrowed on the collaboration of systems to deliver air superiority. The Air Force officials pointed to the "fighter mix" of F-35s, F-15EXs, F-22s, and F-16s to ensure the U.S. is capable of deterring and defending against threats.