Author Topic: The Dark Pocket of Depravity  (Read 75 times)

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The Dark Pocket of Depravity
« on: April 27, 2022, 12:38:24 pm »
The Post & Email by Joseph DeMaio 4/27/2022


Incompetence is one thing. Intentional failure to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” is another. But moral depravity is a dark pocket of evil unique unto itself. With the recent acts and omissions of the Goofball-in-Chief and his cabal of enablers and apparatchiks, we have been witness to all three.

The examples of the Goof’s gross incompetence are far too numerous to adequately catalog here. But for openers, just recall the Afghanistan catastrophe; the cancellation of Keystone XL and resulting $6.00/gal. gasoline; inflation rates not seen in four decades; the Wuhan C-19 debacle; the Goof repeating the chant, “Let’s Go Brandon” at Christmas…, etc., etc…, etc.


But the darkest pocket of callous depravity takes the form of the maw opening beneath the nose of the Goof’s soon-to-be-departed press secretary, Madame Psaki. A Texas National Guard member, Specialist Bishop E. Evans – a 22-year-old African-American – drowned in the Rio Grande River. He dove in to save two illegal aliens, later confirmed to be drug smugglers, struggling in the river. They survived. Evans did not.

With characteristic compassion and empathy, Psaki responded to a reporter’s question as to whether the regime bore any responsibility for the death or had any comment on the matter…, after four days of silence following Evans’s dive into the water and on the day recovery teams found his body downstream:

“Of course we are mourning the loss of his life and we are grateful for the work of every national guardsman,” then gratuitously adding, “I would note that the National Guard work for the states and so he is an employee of the Texas National Guard and his efforts and his operation were directed by there [sic: them], not by the federal government in this effort – in this apparatus.” Classy. Blame Texas for the Goof’s indifference to the border crisis.
