Author Topic: Hideous Biden rule would turn doctors into guillotiners  (Read 202 times)

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Hideous Biden rule would turn doctors into guillotiners
« on: April 22, 2022, 05:04:49 pm »
Hideous Biden rule would turn doctors into guillotiners
Quin Hillyer - Wednesday
Imagine a government that tells a man his neighbors have a 3-year-old they have decided they can’t support financially or emotionally — and then tells the man he must take a machete and kill the child for everybody’s good.
The word “barbaric” would not even begin to describe the government’s position. The mere attempt to conscript this would be, incontrovertibly and in the full horror of the word, evil.
Yet that’s essentially what the Biden administration will be proposing when it moves to scrap a Trump administration rule protecting the conscience rights of medical personnel. The Trump rule, which has been tied up in courts, would allow medical personnel to decline to take part in abortions (or other procedures that violate their faiths). On Tuesday, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that the department plans to implement the new regulations (the ones reversing the Trump administration’s conscience protections) later this month.