Author Topic: I Hated Dresses As A Girl. Thank God My Parents Didn’t Deform And Sterilize Me For It  (Read 123 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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I Hated Dresses As A Girl. Thank God My Parents Didn’t Deform And Sterilize Me For It

Unfortunately, plenty of juveniles out there were not afforded the grace and time to outgrow the same questioning process I went through.

APRIL 12, 2022

Growing up, I was a tomboy through and through.

I loved sports, hung out with dudes, and refused to wear dresses, bows, or the color pink. By middle school, I was more concerned with being one of the bros and begging my parents to let me play tackle football than painting my nails, fixing my hair (hello awkward side ponytail phase), or crying over crushes.

The mere thought that I would one day become a menstruating woman filled me with dread. I thought that going through female puberty would change me for the worse, so I sobbed any time my mom brought it up.

By the time I turned 18, my perspective changed. I wasn’t always happy with my body or my looks, but I knew who I was and how I was created.

Questioning Sex Is Normal. Pumping Chemicals Into Kids Is Not.
It’s natural for children, especially young girls, to feel uncomfortable in their own skin. After all, young women around the globe are subject to hordes of propaganda telling them how they should look, vote, act, and think.

What’s not normal is to medicate, sterilize, or bind children who express even the slightest discomfort with their growing bodies or have an abhorrence to skirts. These “gender” experiments often lead to dangerous, permanent problems such as “sexual dysfunction, infertility, cardiac event, endometrial cancer,” and even transition regret. That hasn’t stopped a rise in harmful pediatric sex procedures that transfigure faces, chests, and even genitalia.

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