Author Topic: MSNBC: Abuse of migrant children didn’t start with Trump. It didn’t end with him, either.  (Read 116 times)

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MSNBC: Abuse of migrant children didn’t start with Trump. It didn’t end with him, either.
Previous Abuse of migrant children didn’t start with Trump. It didn’t end with him, either.

This article features Government Accountability Project and was originally published here.

A 2011 investigation by the Applied Research Center exposed how the federal government’s mistreatment of migrant children included separating them from their families, concluding that more than 5,000 children living in foster care had been prevented from reuniting with parents who had been either detained or deported. President Barack Obama called the findings of that investigation a “real problem,” and he vowed to examine how detention could be carried out “in the most humane way possible.”

Despite that vow, a new whistleblower letter reported by Vice News this week provides the latest in a long list of examples of how the United States has continued to fail migrant families, particularly migrant children.