Author Topic: Biden Presidency Mimics ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’  (Read 110 times)

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Biden Presidency Mimics ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’
« on: April 05, 2022, 01:21:19 pm »
Biden Presidency Mimics ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’

Voters are coming to realize they’ve been had.

By Daniel Oliver
April 4, 2022

Something’s happening.  “The game’s afoot,” as Sherlock Holmes would say.  Why are all the lefty media outlets now suddenly covering the Hunter Biden laptop story as if it were just another news item—as if they hadn’t spent 20 months telling us it was “Russian disinformation”?  A story they got woke ex-intelligence gurus (with the greatest of ease) to pronounce a Russian plot to get Donald Trump reelected?

Now it’s ho-hum:  cloudy, with patches of rain and gusty winds, followed by sun, and the laptop shows that Hunter Biden is a pervert and a crook, and his father probably is, too; but expect warmer weather tomorrow.

Roger Kimball, writing in American Greatness, suggested the shift in coverage was the opening gambit to purge Biden and Harris, by the Praetorian Guard in the deep state.  In contrast, however, I argued that scenario was far-fetched:  too complicated and too time-consuming.  If it were done, then ’twere well it were done quickly, i.e., it would have to be done before the Republicans likely take back the House of Representatives.  Otherwise, they would prevent the Democrats from approving even a left-leaning substitute for president and vice president.

Readers disagreed, and my email was rife with plots and subplots showing how the Democrats will dispose of Biden and Harris—as so much unrecyclable trash.

*  *  *

But the real scandal (whether or not they dump Biden) is how the Democrats and the media got us into this mess.  They knew, everyone knew, Biden was incompetent and stupid (this has been well-documented for decades), corrupt, and senile.  That’s why they kept him largely out of the public eye during the campaign.  They knew!  There really is no arguing about what the Democrats who engineered the Biden candidacy knew.

The Democrats’ perfidy must be trumpeted about:  they played with the management of the United States of America as if they were playing Monopoly.  That’s bad enough in peacetime.  Now we’re in a war, perhaps a nascent World War III.  These people have no shame. They care only about their own power.  They saw “Weekend at Bernie’s,” and said, “We can do that!”  And they did.  They make us pine for simple corruption, simple backroom, cigar-smoking corruption:  “I’ll pay you a million from my slush fund; you pay my wife a million from yours.”

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