Author Topic: Deterrence is Not Enough: Security Requirements for the 21st Century  (Read 90 times)

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Deterrence is Not Enough: Security Requirements for the 21st Century

.By Baroness ThatcherMarch 24, 2022
Deterrence is Not Enough:  Security Requirements for the 21st CenturyU.S. Navy

Special Issue: A Speech by the Rt Hon the Baroness Thatcher LG OM FRS, Deterrence is Not Enough: Security Requirements for the 21st Century, December 3, 1998.
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This Special Issue of National Institute’s Information Series commemorates the 39th anniversary of President Reagan’s March 23, 1983 speech introducing the Strategic Defense Initiative.  Below is the speech given by the Rt Hon the Baroness Thatcher LG OM FRS to a conference hosted by the National Institute for Public Policy on December 3, 1998.  In her speech, Baroness Thatcher lays out a fundamental rationale for missile defense.  Her remarks are as pertinent now as they were then.


The former Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban once remarked that democratic leaders could always be relied upon to adopt the wise and prudent course – once all other possibilities had been exhausted.

I believe that in responding to new and disturbing developments within the security environment, the West is proving to be needlessly painstaking in exhausting those ‘other possibilities.’ The point of Dr Payne’s conference is doubtless to speed up the process. I congratulate him on his initiative, and promise to do all I can to help.