Author Topic: How to Be an Historic First  (Read 366 times)

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How to Be an Historic First
« on: March 29, 2022, 12:19:41 pm »
How to Be an Historic First

Our rulers make it seem as if they have helped “overcome barriers” or “remove glass ceilings” when in fact they are merely fortifying their grip on society.

By Paul Gottfried
March 28, 2022

If a recent Gallup Poll is to be believed, 58 percent of Americans support the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson as a U.S. Supreme Court justice. A majority of Americans also believe that presidential candidate Joe Biden was correct in promising to nominate a black woman to the nation’s highest court. This was presumably a wise decision even if Jackson seemed stumped during her hearing when asked to define a biological woman. Justice Brett Kavanaugh never reached even a 50 percent approval rating during his Senate confirmation process. Of course, Kavanaugh was subject to unsubstantiated personal attacks by Democratic senators and by the even more malicious press and then tormented by hissing feminists who invaded the Senate building.

I’m not at all surprised that Jackson has generated such apparent enthusiasm, or that there is such a mass demand for having a specifically black female justice on the Court. This does however raise a question: How can one answer a pollster in the negative about the acceptability of a black female candidate for a high position without appearing to be a sexist and “white nationalist”? Answering pollsters honestly under the present dispensation may be too much emotionally for some respondents, even in what they are assured is a confidential poll.

Unfortunately, the verbiage that the Biden Administration gives us about reaching out to minorities reeks with insincerity. Our leftist establishment is not exactly elevating the downtrodden when it bestows honors on affluent blacks and women of privilege. It is merely assisting woke enablers of the ruling class, who look physically different from Joe Biden or Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). Our rulers hide the obvious by rhapsodizing about diversity. They make it seem as if they have helped “overcome barriers” or “remove glass ceilings” when in fact they are merely fortifying their grip on society.

Much of this became obvious to me when Barack Obama became president in 2009. Somehow this Ivy League darling who moved in limousine liberal circles was “authentically” black, while Clarence Thomas was not—although Thomas is not half-white like Obama is, and rose out of extreme poverty in the rural South. Yet Thomas is a legal traditionalist and traditional Christian, which to the Left made him counterfactually “less black” than Obama.

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