Author Topic: Rod Dreher: ‘Woman,’ Man, And The Fight Against Evil  (Read 80 times)

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Rod Dreher: ‘Woman,’ Man, And The Fight Against Evil
« on: March 28, 2022, 01:03:12 pm »
‘Woman,’ Man, And The Fight Against Evil

By Rod Dreher
March 26, 2022

The usual media suspects are mocking Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn for asking Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to define “woman.” Haha, that stupid Republican culture warrior! Judge Brown responded, infamously, “I’m not a biologist” — as if you had to be specially trained as a scientist to say what a woman is. Judge Jackson is a jurist who, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, would be passing judgment on questions like, “What is a woman, under the law?”

This matters. The fact that Ketanji Brown Jackson would not define “woman” in her hearing is, for me, reason enough to reject her — and any other nominee that comes before the Senate seeking confirmation, and who will not commit to a definition of woman. We are facing an existential crisis in the West, one in which our elites — and Jackson is a straight-out-of-central-casting exemplar of our corrupt elites — are tearing down the entire edifice of our civilization. They must be stopped. I don’t care if Judge Jackson is the second coming of King Solomon, if she will not specify what a woman is (and is not), then she has no place on the High Court, any more than a judge who refused to specify what a human being is (more on which in a moment).

Of course she is going to be confirmed, and of course we are going to continue our slide into insanity. You have to take a look at what USA Today had to say about all this in a news story. It will tell you how crazy we have become. Excerpts:

Scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson’s response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It’s useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn’s question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either. Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation.


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Read it all.The “experts” to which USA Today defers are lying to themselves. Twenty years ago — and every year before that — few people would have had trouble with this question, least of all scientists. There are clear genetic markers that distinguish males from females. The social construction of womanhood is a different question — but not a scientific one. Cultural politics have so captured science that now “experts” are talking nonsense, and one of the biggest papers in the country is repeating it as if it were true.

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