Author Topic: Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons  (Read 161 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons
« on: March 24, 2022, 12:50:36 pm »
Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons

Washington must decide whether it is willing to risk national destruction to continue protecting the ROK.

By Doug Bandow
March 24, 2022

With Russia and Ukraine at war, the situation in Northeast Asia is heating up. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un has launched a dozen missiles so far this year, including one long-range vehicle thought to include components of an ICBM capable of hitting America. Worse, Pyongyang suggested it is prepared to restart ICBM and nuclear tests.

Earlier this month, South Korean voters narrowly elected a hawkish conservative, Yoon Suk-yeol, to replace outgoing progressive President Moon Jae-in. Yoon promised to take a tougher position toward the North, which likely will turn the bilateral relationship actively hostile.

Kim appears to lack interest in engaging with the U.S. After his February 2019 summit with President Donald Trump collapsed, Kim largely ended contact with Washington, ignoring multiple offers from the Biden administration to talk.

In the past, Kim used missile tests to push Washington to negotiate and make concessions. Before returning to diplomacy, he may have decided to bolster his arsenal. At various party gatherings and military parades, Kim has presented lengthy weapons wish lists. Despite his country’s evident economic weakness, Kim’s government has made significant progress on several new weapons systems. The Rand Corporation and Asan Institute provide this ominous assessment:

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South Koreans have grown more uncomfortable as Pyongyang has developed its nuclear-weapon and missile capacities, though the South Koreans might intuitively understand the limits of extended deterrence. In any case, people in South Korean increasingly want the ability to protect themselves without having to rely on a sometimes-mercurial and even feckless Uncle Sam. After all, if pressed to risk Los Angeles for Seoul, most Americas would naturally say, “No thanks.”

For at least a decade, a majority of South Koreans have favored developing their own nuclear deterrent. Although a plurality still identify the DPRK as the likeliest villain, an increasing number now cite the People’s Republic of China as the greatest future threat to South Korea. More than half of those surveyed figure the PRC will become the most serious danger to South Korea in the coming decade.

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Offline Kamaji

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Re: Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2022, 12:51:11 pm »
Give them, or simply facilitate the South's own development of its own weapons?

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2022, 11:57:26 pm »
Israel is still around for a good reason -- they've got nukes.

Taiwan and South Korean had both better consider how much more time they'll be around WITHOUT nukes. And then act accordingly...