Author Topic: The Border Is Open, and Al-Qaeda Is Calling on Jihadis to Come In  (Read 124 times)

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And most Americans don't even know there's a jihad threat from which they need to be saved.

Thu Mar 24, 2022 Robert Spencer 

Old Joe Biden’s handlers have essentially erased the Southern border, and as a result, illegals are streaming in at a rapid clip. Even the New York Times, a reliable Leftist propaganda organ, admitted last October that “migrants were encountered 1.7 million times in the last 12 months, the highest number of illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960.” A new record could be set in 2022, as the UK’s Daily Mail reported Thursday that “more than 170,000 migrants are waiting on the Mexican-side of the U.S.-Mexico border to cross and claim asylum” once the Biden administration trashes, as it is expected to do, Title 42, a Trump-era provision that allowed illegal migrants to be expelled during the COVID-19 hysteria. And as all this is unfolding, al-Qaeda has published a new online magazine encouraging jihad terrorists to immigrate to the United States and commit massacres here. It looks as if yet another Biden-caused disaster is in the offing.

Those 170,000 migrants, according to the Daily Mail, will be just the beginning: “The U.S. could be just hours away from another wave of mass migration if the Biden administration lifts Title 42.” Who are these people who will stream in? What is their background? Come on, man! Nobody knows, and apparently, no one in the Biden administration cares. They’re coming here, they’ll go on welfare, they’ll vote Democrat, and that’s all that matters. Criminals? Terrorists? Maybe — indeed, probably — but who cares?