Author Topic: Based Maher Asks ‘Why Didn’t Putin Invade When Trump Was in Office?’  (Read 236 times)

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Based Maher Asks ‘Why Didn’t Putin Invade When Trump Was in Office?’
 Keely Sharp  March 11, 2022  News

As of lately, it appears that HBO's "Real Time" host Bill Maher has been micro-dosing himself with the red pill.

On Friday, he laid into people attempting to blame the Russian invasion of Ukraine on former President Donald Trump. He asked, "If Putin thought Trump was really that supportive of him, why didn’t he invade when Trump was in office?”
Maher began, “Watching the reactions to war in Ukraine these past few weeks, it’s become obvious that America in this age suffers acutely from a particular disease of the mind, which is: everything proves what we already believed, and everything goes back to the thing we already hate. … So, naturally, Republicans blamed Ukraine on Biden being the worst president ever, and Democrats blamed it on Trump’s being the worst president ever, which he was, there is that.”