Author Topic: Mask Theater Is Alive and Well in Los Angeles  (Read 85 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Mask Theater Is Alive and Well in Los Angeles
« on: March 14, 2022, 01:28:58 pm »
Mask Theater Is Alive and Well in Los Angeles

Guess who's leading the drive to keep children masked?

By Larry Sand
March 13, 2022

State officials last week announced that as of March 12, California would no longer require schoolchildren to wear masks. Happily, most California school districts are going along with the decision. Also, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said it would “shift to strongly recommending indoor masking requirements” at schools and child care centers, but would no longer require indoor masking as of Sunday.

Shortly after the announcements, new Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent Alberto Carvalho said that he “recognizes the updated health guidance” and added that he is “committed to upholding our science-driven approach.” But he followed by saying, “We respect the voices of all stakeholders, and as such, we will remain engaged with our labor partners, employees and families as we maintain and seek practices that are protective, responsive, and in the best interest of our school communities.”

Families, however, have not been consulted by the school district, so the “engaged” are labor partners and employees, both of which are unionized. And as the tail that wags the L.A. Unified dog, the United Teachers of Los Angeles is insisting on extending the mask ritual, hence face coverings will be required for 500,000 or so kids for an indeterminate period. (The school district has an agreement with UTLA that masking will be imposed through June, though the two sides agreed they would “meet and bargain over potential changes to this requirement at the request of either party.”)

In short, children in L.A. can now go to athletic events, the movies, and the supermarket sans mask, but that freedom ends at the schoolhouse door.

It’s important to stress that no one is suggesting banning masks in school, but rather simply dropping the mandate, which never should have existed in the first place. A load of evidence shows popular cloth and surgical masks don’t help curtail the spread of COVID, and, in fact, can be quite detrimental to children’s development.

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Offline Kamaji

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Re: Mask Theater Is Alive and Well in Los Angeles
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2022, 01:29:28 pm »
If only it were just harmless theater.  But it's not; it's harmful child abuse that is putting the development of millions of children at risk.