Author Topic: Cold blast brings heavy snow to the Northeast and deep freeze to the South  (Read 1567 times)

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Cold blast brings heavy snow to the Northeast and deep freeze to the South

A powerful winter storm is bringing heavy and blustery snow to the Northeast and hammering the nation's eastern third with strong winds, and will usher freezing temperatures, which could trouble crops in the South.
Roughly 42 million Americans across the eastern US are under some kind of winter weather alert.
About 4 to 8 inches of snow are forecast from the southern Appalachians to New England Saturday into early Sunday. However, areas of high elevation in the interior Northeast could see up to a foot of snow.

Eight inches or more already had fallen by late Saturday morning in parts of eastern Kentucky, southeastern Ohio, West Virginia, western Pennsylvania and upstate New York.

Especially intense snowfall -- 1-2 inches per hour -- are possible into early afternoon in parts of eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, eastern New York state, and western New England.

"New Yorkers should do their best to stay off the roads during this time," New York Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray said Friday ahead of the storm.
In Pennsylvania's Cumberland County, where there's continuing snowfall, strong wind gusts and low visibility, at least 73 vehicles were involved in a crash and multiple people were injured by Saturday afternoon, State Trooper Megan Ammerman said on Twitter. "AVOID THE AREA," Ammerman wrote.

Lines of thunderstorms hit elsewhere in the East Saturday, including Florida and the Carolinas. And the whole system has been accompanied and followed by strong, potentially damaging winds.
Wind advisories were in effect early Saturday afternoon for more than 90 million people from the Gulf Coast to the Northeast, where gusts of up to 50 mph are possible through Saturday evening.....................

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