Author Topic: Army doctor who became a nun sues Washington, DC over COVID jab mandate for health workers  (Read 187 times)

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Life Site 3/10/2022

Army doctor who became a nun sues Washington, DC over COVID jab mandate for health workers

So far DC Health does not seem to have granted a single request for religious exemption from the vaccine mandate despite the paramount rights and guarantees under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

(Thomas More Society) – A beloved Roman Catholic nun, who is also a physician-surgeon and a retired U.S. Army colonel, is suing Washington, DC, over its COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health care workers.

Thomas More Society attorneys filed suit on March 9, 2022, in the federal United States District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of Sister Dierdre Byrne against the district’s mayor Muriel Bowser, along with LaQuandra Nesbitt – director of the district’s health department – and the District of Columbia itself for their joint refusal to grant Byrne a religious exemption from vaccination.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara shared how Byrne, who is a Roman Catholic religious Sister of the Little Workers of the Sacred Heart as well as a board-certified general surgeon and family physician, provides free medical services to the poor and the undocumented.

“Sister Dierdre has sought – and been denied – a religious exemption from DC’s health worker COVID-19 vaccination mandate,” explained Ferrara. “All three COVID-19 vaccines approved in the United States have been tested, developed, or produced with cell lines derived from abortions, something to which Sister Dierdre has deep and sincere religious opposition.”

The lawsuit notes that Bowser has twice been previously chastised by the court for burdening religion by her abuse of “emergency powers.”
