Heard him make the announcement yesterday! 
I have said many times previously that Michael Berry is the closest thing to Rush that you will find on the radio today!
Yes, you have and I remember your saying it more than once. There was a time when Michael Berry and I were on the same page regarding Donald Trump -- NO TRUMP FOR ME! I don't listen to him that much since I retired, but I do catch him from time to time. I tuned in one day only to learn that he had made the transition to being a Trump supporter, as had I. That's when I realized that Michael Berry was as smart as me.

I wish he'd take over Rushie's old time slot. I never listen to Clay and Buck. I try to never miss Glenn Beck, so I don't listen to him in the a.m. and in the p.m., I'm settled in in front of the TV for news or HGTV or (from April through October*) an Astros game. I likely won't be catching his program, but I'm glad for the exposure he will get across the nation.
*Yes, I'm expecting my favorite team to still be playing ball in October.