Author Topic: Biden’s feckless energy policy is only getting worse — and he can’t blame Putin  (Read 62 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Biden’s feckless energy policy is only getting worse — and he can’t blame Putin

By NY Post Editorial Board
March 8, 2022

It’s impossible to exaggerate President Joe Biden’s fecklessness on energy policy. Incredibly, it’s only grown worse in the wake of the Ukraine war.

On Tuesday, Biden rushed to declare a US embargo on buying Russian oil — clearly not out of any considered policy decision, but simply because Democrats in Congress joined Republicans in pushing the idea.

The move has risks, such as pushing an increasingly erratic Vladimir Putin to stop all Russia’s energy sales to the West, which would send global prices soaring even further.

Worse, the Bidenites are now looking to replace Russian oil with Venezuelan crude — no matter that that nation’s dictatorship is as evil as Putin’s. And they’re rushing to a new Iran deal, empowering that vile regime in hopes of getting Tehran’s oil back on the global market.

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It doesn’t matter where the fossil fuels we burn come from when it comes to climate change, and the simple fact is that wind and solar aren’t even growing fast enough to meet rising global demand. (For that matter, the US fossil-fuel industry is a lot cleaner than Russia’s, Venezuela’s or Iran’s. And while more nuclear plants could help, they take years to build.)

So it’s utter madness to empower America’s enemies — civilization’s enemies — by refusing to exploit our own resources out of some dim idea that it brings the world closer to a carbon-free future.

And it’s beyond vile for Biden to pretend it’s all Putin’s fault, hoping the American people are too dim to notice their own costs started soaring long before the invasion of Ukraine.

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