Author Topic: It’s Far Too Late For ‘The Experts’ To Admit That Science Is ‘Gray’  (Read 60 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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It’s Far Too Late For ‘The Experts’ To Admit That Science Is ‘Gray’

MARCH 07, 2022

Everything Democrats and the “experts” got wrong and lied about for the past two years with Covid is not their fault. It’s yours!

That’s the only conclusion to be drawn from the shockingly candid remarks made last week by Rochelle Walensky, the head of President Biden’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “I have frequently said, you know, ‘we’re going to lead with the science, science is going to be the foundation of everything we do.’ That is entirely true,” she said. “I think the public heard that as, ‘science is foolproof, science is black and white, science is immediate and we get the answer and then we, you know, make the decision based on the answer.’ And the truth is science is gray and science is not always immediate.”

In other words, the certitude with which Walensky, Anthony Fauci, and their adoring media spoke should not have been interpreted by “the public” as actual confidence. How silly that we might have thought otherwise.

Walensky went on to say “sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out the answer but you have to make, you know, decisions in a pandemic before you have that answer.”

To be sure, those obnoxious “Follow The Science” and “Listen to the Experts” slogans popularized by Democrats were never a suggestion or a plea that everyone survey information about the coronavirus as it became available in real time. They were demands that we do as they said.*

*Subject to change at any moment — and don’t complain when it does!

Up until recently, “The Science” was an objective, ironclad concept beyond reproach and dissent. There was no debate over the dictates sent down from God himself, Dr. Fauci.

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