Author Topic: The Horror Of Biden’s Weakness  (Read 65 times)

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The Horror Of Biden’s Weakness
« on: March 06, 2022, 08:20:29 pm »
The Horror Of Biden’s Weakness

By Kevin McCullough
Mar 06, 2022

Tyranny roams free.

People with a thirst for power and control are going to any lengths to possess them. Useful idiots enable them to keep going and they hope to gaslight (or kill) anyone who questions it.

If you believe I’m speaking of Vladimir Putin, you wouldn’t be wrong. But the same applies to Joe Biden.

The *President took to the State of The Union speech and more or less declared the opposite on nearly every position and issue of the day than what his administration and party has held since he became *president.

Feigning a pretend toughness (which is whole cloth different than strength) Biden spoke so fast he rammed his words together, raised his voice and leveled shouted talking points about his admiration for the Ukrainian people.

Laughing at Biden a world away Putin began using indiscriminate vacuum and cluster bombs. And while Biden had his morning jello and coffee the next day, more children and civilians died in Ukraine than were lost in the entire fighting in 2014.

Biden said and did nothing.

You see to Biden it’s about feelings and appearances. But to Putin it’s about crushing his opponents without mercy. Bend to his will or die for not doing so.

To Biden, as long as he can appear to care, allow everyone else at the table to come up with the plan, and give some sort of statement that’s been empathy-tested for dramatic effect then he’s “doing his job.”

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