Author Topic: A Small Town Is Paying a Big Price When It Comes to Unplanned, Unvetted Mass Immigration  (Read 145 times)

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A Small Town Is Paying a Big Price When It Comes to Unplanned, Unvetted Mass Immigration
avatar By SPENCER RALEY  February 28, 2022 No Comments
When considering the negative impacts of mass immigration on the American public, we generally focus on border states like Texas and California, or immigrant-heavy urban areas such as New York City. However, mass immigration – legal and illegal – also inflicts significant harm on less populated cities and states.

South Portland, Maine, serves as a recent example of this phenomenon. In January 2021, the city’s new mayor – herself a 1993 refugee from Somalia and mass immigration advocate – promised to make South Portland a “welcoming city” for refugees and other immigrants, including illegal aliens. On the surface, this sounds like a beautiful thing to do for the less fortunate. But poorly executed kindness is often more damaging than taking no action at all.

Fast forward a year and the consequences of this ill-prepared new direction are being realized. South Portland has indeed welcomed a large influx of refugees and illegal aliens over the past year. However, the small city of just 25,000 failed to properly prepare for such a significant population increase. As a result, more than 1,100 individuals – mostly new migrants – are currently being housed in overcrowded hotels that have been transformed into temporary shelters. That’s nearly 5 percent of the city’s total population currently living in shelters due to a housing shortage caused by this improperly planned population boom.