Author Topic: OECD Climate Plan: Freeze in the Dark until the Green Revolution  (Read 132 times)

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OECD Climate Plan: Freeze in the Dark until the Green Revolution
5 hours ago Eric Worrall
Guest essay by Eric Worrall

The OECD has recommended Europeans turn thermostats down, and conserve energy, to reduce dependence on Russian gas, until EU governments build enough energy storage capacity to make renewable energy viable.

A 10-Point Plan to Reduce the European Union’s Reliance on Russian Natural Gas

9. Encourage a temporary thermostat adjustment by consumers

Many European citizens have already responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in various ways, via donations or in some cases by directly assisting refugees from Ukraine. Adjusting heating controls in Europe’s gas-heated buildings would be another avenue for temporary action, saving considerable amounts of energy.

The average temperature for buildings’ heating across the EU at present is above 22°C. Adjusting the thermostat for buildings heating would deliver immediate annual energy savings of around 10 bcm for each degree of reduction while also bringing down energy bills.
Public awareness campaigns, and other measures such as consumption feedback or corporate targets, could encourage such changes in homes and commercial buildings. Regulations covering heating temperatures in offices could also prove to be an efficient policy tool.