Author Topic: Islam is the Only Winner in the Ukraine War  (Read 61 times)

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Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Islam is the Only Winner in the Ukraine War
« on: March 04, 2022, 02:21:41 pm »
Russia, with a birth rate of 1.5 children per woman, has invaded Ukraine, where the birth rate is 1.2 children per woman, to determine which nation with below replacement birth rates will go extinct the fastest. In the long run the only winners of the war to determine whether Ukraine will belong to the 1.2 or 1.5 people will be the Chechen and other Muslim soldiers doing the fighting.

The Chechens have a birth rate of 2.5. Their religion and mosques are more likely to inherit the territories they are fighting over than either the Russian or Ukrainian Orthodox churches.

Medieval Europe was able to recover from devastating wars and plagues, and a life expectancy rate of around the age of a postmodern grad student, because of high birth rates. But just as the Europeans discovered how to fight truly catastrophic wars, birth rates declined. World War II broke Europe when the previous world war didn’t because the dead were never replaced.

The UK birth rate during WWI looked like the Chechen birth rate. By WWII, it dropped below replacement rate. Today, like so much of Europe, it's artificially bolstered by the British version of the Chechens, Pakistanis and other Muslim immigrants. Germany went into WWI fueled by an aggressive birth rate of 3.5. By the end, despite desperate Nazi eugenics, it had dropped below replacement rate. It looked like the Ukranian one until the Muslim birth rate kicked in.

Russia went into WWI with a birth rate of around 7, by the time the Soviet Union collapsed it had also fallen beyond replacement rates. Like the Europeans, its birth rate is artificially inflated by a growing Muslim population, legal or illegal, even in major cities like Moscow.

Every Ukrainian and Russian death is another loss that will never be demographically replaced.

Western Europe and Russia have dueling visions for Ukraine and the territories of the former Soviet Union. Europe would like them to join a wonderful union based around peace, tolerance, and importing millions of Muslims to balance out all the peaceful tolerant Europeans. Putin would like to induct them into Greater Russia which will unite Islam and Christianity.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington