Author Topic: Claim: Electric Vehicles are being Shipped in Fire Retardant Bags  (Read 200 times)

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Claim: Electric Vehicles are being Shipped in Fire Retardant Bags
19 hours ago Eric Worrall 149 Comments
Guest essay by Eric Worrall

h/t observa; Orbital space vehicle re-entry grade fireproofing technology is being deployed to prevent Electric Vehicle batteries from creating another Felicity Ace disaster. My question – when are fire blankets going to be provided to EV owners?

EV fires become hot issue

Maritime operators wrestling with solutions to EV fires as another car carrier burns

 By John Mellor on 26th February 2022

The cars on the ship burned with such intensity that parts of the hull above the waterline melted.

According to data provided to Australian fire fighting services, these burning batteries reach temperatures of more than 2700 degrees celsius!

This latest fire on the Felicity Ace is the fourth since, in 2019, the Grande America, a roll-on roll-off vessel with more than 2000 new and used vehicles on board, sank in the Bay of Biscay after the cars ignited. The crew of 26 tried to combat the fire but, within hours, the heat was so intense that it weakened the structural integrity of the ship’s bulkheads and hull. There was little that any of the crew members could do but to abandon ship.

As the industry searches for answers, some operators of  car carriers are no longer accepting used EVs and some are also banning accident-damaged used EVs.