Author Topic: Ukraine invasion slower than what Russia expected, meeting more resistance: US defense official  (Read 103 times)

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UKRAINE Published February 25, 2022 1:34pm EST
Ukraine invasion slower than what Russia expected, meeting more resistance: US defense official

Defense official said Ukraine’s command and control is intact after two days of war
Marisa SchultzBy Marisa Schultz , Jennifer Griffin | Fox News

Invasion of Ukraine moving ‘slower than Russians expected,’ senior US defense official saysVideo
Russian military forces have not made the kinds of gains they expected in Ukraine and have faced more resistance than anticipated from Ukrainian forces, according to a senior U.S. defense official. 

After two days of war, Ukrainian command and control is still intact and no population centers have been taken. And Russia has yet to achieve air superiority with Ukraine’s air and missile defense capability still working, though degraded, the defense official told reporters Friday.

"The Russians have lost a little bit of their momentum," the defense official told reporters, speaking on background.