Author Topic: The Line was Crossed (and You Can’t Go Back)  (Read 63 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Line was Crossed (and You Can’t Go Back)
« on: February 20, 2022, 02:38:04 pm »
The Post & Email 2/20/2022

Last Song” (3:04)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. As soon as we got wind of a peaceful, lawful protest in Canada, our editor, in her infinite wisdom, sent a few of us up to the environs of the far North (Ottawa) to get the scoop on the happenings. Chief New Leaf, in his RV, had the best opportunity to fit in with the dissatisfied Canadian voters so we’ll go to him first. Hello, Chief, what say you?”

“I say ‘Little Weasel-Jellyfish Trudeau’ can’t fight his way out of a paper bag. Rather than face the facts, the coward joined forces with the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin, crushing individual rights over the childish tantrums of a dictator. Just as Mike Pence had an opportunity to do the right thing, Little Weasel-Jellyfish Trudeau squandered his opportunity to be forever remembered as the ‘Champion of Freedom’ and instead became one in the long list of the despised and hated Chief-of-State tyrants beginning with King Herod, moving on to Caligula to present-day Canada: ‘Little Weasel-Jellyfish Trudeau.’”

“So I take it that the sentiments of the protesters have changed from dealing with a person of reason to dealing with, basically, a two-year-old brain in a man’s body; is that about the gist of it?”

“Yes, that says it all in a nutshell. Whatever admiration the Canadian people had for their Royal Mounted Police has forevermore entirely evaporated, of that you can be sure. The word GESTAPO is now used to describe any police officer in the country of Canada, which means a police officer trashing his or her Oath in order to follow any newly-made-up law to achieve a particular status, such as wearing a Richard Heydrich tie clasp pin. Shame on them all forever and ever.”

“Let’s take a break; be right back.”

Come See About Me” (2:23)
