Author Topic: Truckers threaten to blow up the narrative that the Socialists care for the Workers  (Read 84 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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JoNova 2/18/2022

Managing people with bullying and coercion is a brittle and fragile tool

When it starts to break, it collapses.

Adam Mill:    Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers

In 1981, the Soviets seemed invincible. Yet their power was fragile, vulnerable to a single fissure of courage that started in Poland. That crack lengthened and spread until the entire system crumbled. It must have seemed impossible to defeat an ideology that controlled every institution—the press, the education system, the military, etc. Yet, without firing a shot, a courageous protest in Poland did just that.

In September of 1981, the Soviet Union seemed an uncrackable monolith. On its frontiers stood a NATO force that would last only a few weeks were a conventional war to break out. The Soviets could rely upon apologists in Western academia and the media to amplify their propaganda and stifle voices demanding freedom. Yet the opposition of a labor union to Soviet Communism powerfully undermined its claim to legitimacy

The Soviet Union, like modern leftism today, appropriates and exploits the struggle of ordinary people while simultaneously making things worse for them. Their soft hands and arrogance set them apart from their supposed clients in the “real world.” Their only skill is to feast upon the fruits of other people’s labor. When real labor awakens to the true parasitic nature of the Left, the whole system comes crashing down.

No wonder they’re so afraid.

Families are being torn apart

This is a revealing write up by a former CBC reporter who feels like the protests are dividing the country and is dismayed and searching for answers. What she has missed is that the divisions were there and growing for years. The peaceful flag-waving Truckers have arrived to fill the hole where healthy national pride and a sense of community had been exterminated with fashionable vanity-guilt competitions of hate and disdain.

If Trudeau orders the police to drag away the Freedom Convoy he’ll tear Canada apart

TARA HENLEY (former CBC reporter) from Toronto, DailyMail

The use of the Emergencies Act has poured gasoline on what was already a raging fire.

I fear that Canadians are headed for the sort of volatile, drawn-out, intractable conflict that tears societies apart.

The act replaces the War Measures Act, last invoked by Trudeau’s father, Prime Minster Pierre Elliott Trudeau, in 1970, and it is widely known as the nuclear option. As a journalist, I have never seen a news event this polarizing. And as a citizen, I have never seen my country this divided. For the past two weeks, most conversations have revolved around the protests in the capital.
