Author Topic: Trendy Leftist Policies Cause Premature Death  (Read 65 times)

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Trendy Leftist Policies Cause Premature Death
« on: February 18, 2022, 09:16:49 pm »
Trendy Leftist Policies Cause Premature Death

The connection between anti-borders policies and preventable deaths can be seen throughout the country.

By Brian Lonergan
February 17, 2022

Many politicians today desperately want to hitch themselves to the “next big thing.” They seek to be at the forefront of whatever movement is currently fashionable within their party, and to be seen supporting it more zealously than their colleagues. This can be seen in the way many on the Left today extol the virtues of socialism, a position that would have been career suicide just a few decades ago.

While such positions may win adoration from Twitter’s bluecheck mob, there is a significant downside. They consistently fail to achieve their stated goals, and innocent people get killed as a result. Immigration policy may be the clearest example.

Ideas like sanctuary cities and catch-and-release were once relegated to the most deranged professors in the faculty lounge. Today they are mainstream progressive agenda items. Taken on substance and at first, these policies were dismissed as absurd and counterproductive. This was remedied by injecting race into the discussion at every opportunity. Advocates can claim to be on the side of the angels, while opponents with legitimate, sensible criticisms are dismissed as purveyors of hate and relegated to the fringe of society.

That kind of demagoguery finds a welcome audience in corporate media, but the results cannot be denied.

In Wake County, North Carolina last month, a motorist allegedly killed a legal immigrant mother of two as a result of a drunk driving incident. The driver, Aldair Leon-Olluas, is an illegal alien from Mexico who drove away from the scene of the accident and was later arrested in Atlanta.       

Why might an illegal alien with a habit of driving drunk be drawn to Wake County? Gerald Baker was elected sheriff of the county in 2018 with support from the ACLU and on a pledge to end the county’s 287(g) agreement, which calls for local law enforcement to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for the purpose of transferring criminal aliens to ICE custody for possible deportation. The move essentially made Wake a sanctuary jurisdiction, where illegal aliens arrested for crimes are shielded from deportation by federal immigration authorities.

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