Author Topic: Biden Came to Make a Mess and Eat Ice Cream  (Read 65 times)

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Biden Came to Make a Mess and Eat Ice Cream
« on: February 18, 2022, 07:18:41 pm »
Biden Came to Make a Mess and Eat Ice Cream

As former President Trump might say, “Total disaster!”

By Brandon J. Weichert
February 16, 2022

When Joe Biden ran for president, we were told he was the embodiment of competence and intelligence. Biden, his backers insisted, would solve our problems in a genial, grandfatherly way. He’d make fixing America look as easy as licking an ice cream cone on a nice Delaware day. A year into his presidency, it seems that Biden came only to make a mess and eat ice cream.

The ordinary American consumer  suffers and endures high prices due to the bad decisions and policies of the Biden Administration. It is no wonder, then, that a recent poll found 60 percent of voters would vote Biden out of office were the election held today. From the supply chain to Ukraine, Biden seems to have had the opposite of the Midas Touch—and it isn’t going to get any better!

The Chip Shortage Will Be with Us
To combat the worldwide computer chip shortage, Biden told the press that his policies had led to the construction of new computer chip manufacturing facilities being built within the United States for the first time in decades (currently, nearly 90 percent of all worldwide computer chips are produced overseas, in places like Taiwan and Japan). But these facilities will take a few years to come online.

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Biden’s Ukraine Policies Are Squeezing Americans’ Wallets
Meanwhile, gas and grocery prices continue to rise. And, while Biden may want to blame his predecessor for having locked down the country at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (a policy that Biden and his fellow Democrats insisted should have continued), the fact remains that these negative trends are occurring under the Biden Administration’s watch. More to the point, there are direct actions Biden has taken since his turbulent inauguration last year that exacerbated what were already dangerous trends in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Biden’s Vaccine Mandates and Our Supply Chain
Speaking of distribution, supply chain problems have mounted as the leadership of many countries—including the Biden Administration—have insisted upon what many view as extreme vaccination mandates for private companies. In fact, it is opposition to the vaccine mandates in Canada that has sparked the ongoing Freedom Convoy of truckers currently “terrorizing” the gelded leadership of Justin Trudeau. In both Canada and the United States, failure to comply with these mandates usually results in a loss of business and the firing of workers en masse.

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We Need Solutions, Not Rhetoric
Joe Biden was elected on a message of competence and intelligence. A year into his misadministration, everything is falling apart, both at home and abroad. It’s easy to blame your predecessor for everything that’s gone wrong. But, at some point, Biden needs to take the blame as readily as he took the reins of power.

Nearly every problem the United States has faced over the past year has been self-induced. Extreme or unwise Biden policies have led us to a place where inflation is soaring and where that problem is being worsened by the ongoing Biden-induced crises in Ukraine and in the supply chain. The few times that Biden has addressed these concerns he has glossed over the fact that his policies either caused or exacerbated the problems facing ordinary Americans today—namely high prices, and insufficient access to goods.

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