Author Topic: How a protein controls the production of nerve cells in the brain  (Read 245 times)

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How a protein controls the production of nerve cells in the brain

Date:  February 15, 2022
Source:  University of Cologne

Researchers have discovered that the protein YME1L regulates the production of new nerve cells and the maintenance of neural stem cells in the adult brain. This holds great potential for regenerative treatments after brain injuries and other diseases.

By investigating changes in the metabolic profile of neural stem cells, a research team led by Professor Dr. Matteo Bergami from the CECAD Cluster of Excellence for Aging Research at the University of Cologne discovered that the protein YME1L is essential in coordinating the shift between cellular proliferation (cell division) and quiescence (a resting state). The protein YME1L is responsible for balancing the conversion of the brain's neural stem cells, which are limited in number and cannot be produced again, into neurons. Defects in the functioning of this protein can lead to a premature conversion of neural stem cells into specialized cells, and hence impair neural regeneration in the long term. The article 'Metabolic control of adult neural stem cell self-renewal by the mitochondrial protease YME1L' has been published in Cell Reports.

Neural stem cells are maintained in only a few regions of the adult mammalian brain, where they sustain the production of new neurons throughout life. Understanding how neural stem cell activity is regulated and maintained in these regions has critical implications for regenerative approaches following brain trauma and disease. Mutations in YME1L have also been linked to brain disorders and intellectual disability in human patients.

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