Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Justin Trudeau, Safety Totalitarian  (Read 69 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Rod Dreher: Justin Trudeau, Safety Totalitarian
« on: February 15, 2022, 01:50:03 pm »
Justin Trudeau, Safety Totalitarian

By Rod Dreher
February 15, 2022

A preview of what’s to come for us all:

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has invoked special emergency powers to confront the trucker convoy, which has been blockading major cities and highways in protest against the cross-border vaccine mandate imposed by the Canadian government.

The law, the Emergencies Act, written in 1988, has never before been used. It gives Trudeau’s administration special authority for 30 days to restrict movement, freeze financial accounts (including personal bank accounts and cyptocurrency transactions), and direct citizens to certain actions, such as the forced towing of the trucks.

“The government has invoked the Emergencies Act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations,” Trudeau said at a press briefing Monday.

*  *  *

“It is now clear that there are serious challenges to law enforcement’s ability to effectively enforce the law,” Trudeau added. “This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people’s jobs, and restoring confidence in our institutions.”

Safety! Of course. Keep this in mind when you see how the young are being taught that an “unsafe space” is intolerable. Whatever you think about the Truckers’ protest, this is going to be the reason that and the means by which a future American regime will use to punish its enemies — especially once we go to a cashless society. From Live Not By Lies:

“China is about to become something new: an AI-powered techno-totalitarian state,” writes journalist John Lanchester. “The project aims to form not only a new kind of state but a new kind of human being, one who has fully internalized the demands of the state and the completeness of its surveillance and control. That internalization is the goal: agencies of the state will never need to intervene to correct the citizen’s behavior, because the citizen has done it for them in advance.”

*  *  *

Now the Canadian state is learning from the Chinese … and the American state will learn from the Canadians.

This is why I wrote Live Not By Lies — to wake up Americans who are, or are likely to be, dissidents from the emerging soft totalitarian regime, and show us ways to prepare. Read the signs of the times!


Offline Kamaji

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Re: Rod Dreher: Justin Trudeau, Safety Totalitarian
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2022, 01:50:38 pm »
Or, as the Nazis used to say:  Für Ihre Sicherheit