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Watch: Female student brutally pummeled in head more than 30 times, as classmates look on and laugh

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Watch: Female student brutally pummeled in head more than 30 times, as classmates look on and laugh
February 7, 2022 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

A horrific video has surfaced on social media showing a female high school student in Las Vegas viciously punching the head of another girl more than 30 times until she appeared to lose consciousness while a teacher made a weak attempt to stop the brutal assault and other students stood around and laughed.

The Clark County School District has not revealed which high school the attack took place at last Wednesday. A person, who is allegedly a teacher, is seen on the video telling the attacker to “Stop, stop, stop. Get off of her.” But there seemed to be no real effort to put an end to the punch-fest while the victim raised her hands to try and protect herself as she was hit in the back of the head and face. No one else made an attempt to stop the beat-down.

The video ends with the girl face down on her desk seemingly unconscious. It is unknown what the extent of her injuries are but she reportedly had a seizure before being taken to the hospital.

The Clark County School District Police Department told KTNV in a statement that a Las Vegas High School student was cited for battery last Wednesday. Considering the violence of the attack, that seems to be an insufficient response and many contend it looked more like attempted murder.

Warning: Extremely Violent Content:

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Smokin Joe:
Send in the Social Workers!

Seriously, that teacher had neither the will, the guts, nor the ability to restrain the attacking student.

36 blows, and not one student or the Teacher intervened?

Battery my ass, this was attempted murder/

This is messed up.

The teacher and the principal should be fired on the spot.  The assailant should be arrested and prosecuted.  And Clark County should be forced to foot the bill for the private school education of every student in that classroom.


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