Author Topic: The Beatings Will Continue Until The Right Imposes Costs For Cancellation Attempts  (Read 69 times)

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The Beatings Will Continue Until The Right Imposes Costs For Cancellation Attempts

When you’re dealing with a terrorist or a bully, the only way to make him stop is to make his aggression not worth it any more.

By Joy Pullmann
February 07, 2022

Anew wave of leftist repression against their political opponents hit last week in two high-profile incidents. The first was crowdsourcing platform GoFundMe’s attempt to steal approximately $10 million from people across the world who donated to support a Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting Covid tyranny in Canada. The second was Michelle Malkin publishing the news that Airbnb has banned her and her husband from their platform over her political views.

GoFundMe initially claimed it would redirect the funds collected for the truckers’ protest to “charities” of their own choosing.

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After Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Friday they would investigate GoFundMe for fraud if it did not return donors’ money, GoFundMe agreed to return the donations. Meanwhile, the truckers’ fundraising campaign moved to the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo, which then faced an onslaught of hacking attacks.

Numerous commentators noted that GoFundMe has assisted fundraising campaigns for violent leftist political groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Unlike chronic confirmed violence from those two international political agitation groups, authorities have not publicly substantiated claims that convoy participants have perpetrated violence. Participants in the convoy have repeatedly affirmed their intentions to protest peacefully.

At the very least, it is clear that neither government officials nor big tech infrastructure platforms are giving these anti-leftist protesters the same benefit of the doubt they always give leftist protesters. Just think about the Portland radicals allowed to firebomb federal courthouses for months. Nothing even close to that is happening in Ottawa.

By now, we’re all used to these double standards that always cut only one way. It’s not an accident, it’s a pattern. And these kind of cancel culture beatings will continue until people on the right have the guts to start standing up for themselves and their team, and imposing costs on the leftist culture war aggressors.

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