Author Topic: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 6, 2022 Edition  (Read 420 times)

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 6, 2022 Edition
« on: February 05, 2022, 12:44:05 am »
Mayor Rebuffs Carlson's Criticism

Fox News host Tucker Carlson pointed to the City of Baltimore's under-performing public schools as a crucial factor in the City's awful crime rate. "It's because the schools are so bad that the hordes of young people exiting these schools are left without the knowledge and skills they should have been taught that so many end up committing crimes as a means of survival," Carlson said. "Since many of these crimes are perpetrated against minorities this part of the community is doubly victimized."

Mayor Brandon Scott (D) called Carlson's remarks "racist vitriol. Carlson well knows that the ancestors of the blacks committing crimes were slaves. Slaves weren't taught the skills or knowledge to succeed in the commercial world. Their descendants still suffer from the same handicap. It is the Democratic Party that has championed government welfare programs to offset the lack of knowledge and skills by ensuring that their needs can be met without having to earn their own living. It is right-wingers like Carlson who oppose this life-sustaining support."

Scott blamed black-on-black crime "on the failure of the perpetrators to comprehend what the government has done for them and to allow greed and impatience to overtake good sense. Preying on members of their own race is not cool. If these criminals had any sense they'd be targeting the descendants of the people who oppressed their ancestors. These whites usually have more money to rob and warrant having to repay for the suffering their ancestors inflicted. The more effective way to accomplish the repayment of this old debt is to let the government do it. Government can take much larger amounts from white people and it's all legal."

Fauci Dodges Accountability

Time has not be kind to the concoction of measures Dr. Anthony Fauci recommended and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) approved for dealing with the covid pandemic. Experience and research has shown that masks don't work, the lockdowns did more harm than good, and the vaccines have failed to prevent their recipients from becoming infected and transmitting the virus to others.

When questioned at a Senate hearing, Fauci declared himself free of any blame, saying "I was only following the CDC guidelines." Challenged by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ken) who contended that "I don't see how following guidelines you had a major hand in designing absolves you of responsibility," Fauci pointed out that "I, as well as Drs. Redfield and Walensky, are government employees. As such we are covered by sovereign immunity and cannot be personally held responsible for anything done in our official capacities."

Fauci went on to argue that "the real villains during this pandemic are the naysayers who rejected official policy and worked to spread disloyalty by disseminating misinformation. The research they presented was never approved by the CDC. Yet, they used their positions as doctors, scientists, and professors as a pseudo validation to try to undermine the approved official narrative. If there is anything to blame the government for it is the failure to use its considerable might to more thoroughly censor and punish deviant opinions issuing from anyone who has not followed the science, and by science, I mean me."

T-Mobile Issues Own Vax Mandate

Alarmed that the recent Supreme Court overruling of President Biden's vaccine mandate "could unleash a monster wave of covid that will decimate the world's piopulation," T-Mobile proclaimed its own mandate. In a memo addressed to everyone alive, the Company announced that every employee, every vendor of components for our products, and every consumer of our services must be vaccinated by April 2, 2022."

"Those not in compliance will be appropriately sanctioned," the memo added. "Disobedient employees will be fired, Vendors' contracts will be cancelled. Customers' cell phone service will be terminated."

CEO Michael Sievert explained, "I was having nightmares that civilization as we know it could be brought down by a combination of aloof and uncaring Justices, the evil machinations of medical quacks, and the indifference of the masses who inordinately prize personal autonomy. While President Biden's heart is in the right place, he lacks the personal discipline to utilize the full power inherent in the Office of the President of the United States to rescue us from the looming catastrophe. T-Mobile will now fill the vacuum."

Pelosi Warns Olympic Athletes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) warned US athletes "to keep their mouths shut while they're in Beijing. The Chinese government is ruthless. There is no retaliation so terrible that it would not dare to inflict it on whoever they feel is most vulnerable to pressure."

"I know the athletes are young and strong," Pelosi observed. "They are their physical peak and cannot imagine having to knuckle under to a brutal regime. But they need to remember that accidents can happen. Things can go wrong, and injustices could be committed."

One of the potential injustices that Pelosi suggested might be particularly likely is "the possible confiscation of business investments that I, President Biden, and many other members of Congress could face if President Xi is angered by any misbehavior of our nation's Olympians. We aren't all young and vigorous. The investment deals we have made with the Xi regime are vital to ensuring comfort in our golden years. I implore our athletes to not be selfish. Think before you do or say anything that could result in the loss of millions of dollars by those of us who have dedicated our lives to governing this great country of ours."

Canadian Gov't May Order Air Strike on Truckers

The widespread support of the truckers demonstrating for freedom in Canada has the Trudeau government "panicked, worried and bruised." Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laments "the possible unraveling of all the progress we have made these past two years in weaning our citizens off the notion that it is our obligation to defend their freedom. They obeyed our emergency orders to shut down nonessential businesses, to avoid unnecessary travel and interaction with others, to wear masks, and to get vaccinated. How can we sit by and allow a gang of rowdy truckers to undo all of this?"

The Prime Minister said "it was particularly unnerving to see members of Parliament fraternizing with and encouraging these anarchists after their convoy reached the Capital. MP Kevin Waugh's tweet 'it's great to see Canadians championing freedom on Parliament Hill' is clearly treasonous. Severe countermeasures must be considered."

One of the countermeasures being whispered about is an air strike on the parked trucks. "It is a serious option that packs a punch that may bring those contemplating further acts of disobedience up short," Trudeau is said to have commented to political allies. "I realize that some may quail from the unfavorable image such overt violence might inflict on our Party, but perhaps it's time to jettison the whole notion that we should care about what the people think of us. As long as they do as we say why should we care what they think?"

"Trump Has to Be Jailed"

On the MSNBC program "Deadline," Morgan State University Professor Jason Johnson argued that "Trump has to be jailed. He's such a direct danger American democracy that there is no other effective remedy than immediate incarceration."

The Professor explained "it's too risky for us to be concerned with his constitutional right to a fair trial. The man has such sway over a substantial percentage of the population that I don't think we could empanel a jury that would convict him no matter how solid our evidence is. There is an international precedent for what I propose. It's called 'protective arrest.' It was used in Germany during the 1930s when there were many threats to the public peace and welfare that couldn't be dealt with under normal jurisprudence. And, you know what? It worked."

"I believe that seeing Trump summarily thrown in jail could be the 'shock-to-the-system' that his many followers need to receive if they're to be weaned off of his lies," Johnson predicted. "It would show that their dreams of a comeback are futile and they can go back to living normal lives like they did before Trump ever ran for president."