Author Topic: Obama's America: A Welfare State  (Read 2241 times)

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Obama's America: A Welfare State
« on: March 09, 2011, 10:52:22 pm »
Obama's America: A Welfare State
March 9, 2011


RUSH: A story from CNBC.  This really bothers me.  It bothers me. It tugs at my heart.  It bothers me I can't tell you how much.  "Handouts..." This headline alone: "Government Handouts," welfare, whatever you want to call it, "Make Up One-Third of US Wages."  One-third!  Of course we're really not talking "wages," but I understand the use of the word in this story and in the headline.  One-third of us don't earn anything.  One-third of us live totally on handouts.  One-third of our great country lives on handouts -- and even this story, at the end, says it really isn't that bad.  It could be worse.  It could be like Europe. 

This is rotten.  This stinks.


RUSH: "Government payouts -- including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance -- make up more than a third of total wages and salaries of the U.S. population, a record figure that will only increase if action isn’t taken before the majority of Baby Boomers enter retirement." Now, we had that chart, we put it up on the website last week, and we showed the three biggest entitlements in this country. We all know Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, but unemployment compensation? The payment of unemployment benefits is almost as high as Social Security in this country.  Folks, we are not going to survive as a nation, not the way we've been founded, with this kind of sloth and laziness and feeding at the public trough.

It just cannot happen.  And to even call this "wages" -- I'm actually kinda glad they did because it points out how ludicrous this is and how dangerous it is.  "Handouts," handouts, the redistribution of wealth "makes up one-third of US wages."  Social welfare spending has increased three and a half times since 1960.  We declared war on poverty, and it's given us this.  We declared war on poverty, and what do we have?  Thirty-five percent of our people living on the dole!  Thirty-five percent of American citizens living on "handouts," and where are the handouts coming from?  Their fellow citizens.  That's what's never talked about here.  It's all, "Oh, it comes from the government, Mr. Limbaugh."

It comes from their neighbors! It comes from fellow citizens!  This is intolerable.  How did we ever survive before?  How did this nation get along?  How did the people in this country get by before the great War on Poverty declared by Lyndon Johnson?  How did it happen?  How come we're always told we can't afford any war -- we can't afford Vietnam, we can't afford Iraq, we can't afford Afghanistan -- but we always have plenty of money for the War on Poverty? And look what it has done to us! "Even as the economy has recovered, social welfare benefits make up 35 percent of wages and salaries this year, up from 21 percent in 2000 and 10 percent in 1960, according to TrimTabs Investment Research using Bureau of Economic Analysis data."
In other words, social welfare spending has increased 3-1/2 times since 1960.  Unsustainable.  How did we ever get by before all this?  How did anybody ever survive?  "'The U.S. economy has become alarmingly dependent on government stimulus,' said Madeline Schnapp, director of Macroeconomic Research at TrimTabs, in a note to clients." Government economy?  Thirty-five percent of the American public "has become alarmingly dependent on" its neighbors!  "'Consumption supported by wages and salaries is a much stronger foundation for economic growth than consumption based on social welfare benefits.'" No kidding!  But not according to Nancy Pelosi and Austan Goolsbee.

Pelosi and Goolsbee say that this unemployment compensation generates a buck and a half return for every dollar-of-benefits.  It's an out-and-out lie. (interruption)  No! This makes me so mad because we're destroying people's lives.  Snerdley, that's why it makes me mad!  One-third of the people of this country are being denied their full opportunity to reach their own potential -- and this is on purpose.  This is a direct result of liberalism, the Democrat Party: Create as much dependence as possible.  And it's increasing.  Cloward-Piven, I don't care what you want to call it: Put so much stress on the system, the system eventually implodes because it's not capable.  Thirty-five percent.

What happens if the payments stop? (interruption)  Riots happen.  Exactly right.  Riots happen if the payments stop.  Riots and who knows whatever the hell else happens (with the full support, by the way, of the Democrat Party and the American left who are responsible for this boondoggle).  So, "The economist" here, Madeline Schnapp, "gives the country two stark choices. In order to get welfare back to its pre-recession ratio of 26 percent of pay, 'either wages and salaries would have to increase $2.3 trillion, or 35 percent, to $8.8 trillion, or social welfare benefits would have to decline $500 billion, or 23 percent, to $1.7 trillion,' she said. ...

"Social welfare benefits have increased by $514 billion over the last two years, according to TrimTabs figures, in part because of measures implemented to fight the financial crisis," and measures implemented to buy votes, frankly.  But then there's this, and this is the kicker -- and this is from, again, Madeleine Schnapp: "At the very least, we can take solace in the fact that we’re not quite at the state welfare levels of Europe. In the U.K., social welfare benefits make up 44 percent of wages and salaries, according to TrimTabs’ Schnapp," and that's right where we're headed, by design, and the big secret is that Europe's going the other way.

They've reached the point of tipping.  They cannot sustain it.  They are cutting back benefits.  They're cutting back tuitions.  They're getting the riots!  We're getting mini-versions of riots in Wisconsin.  They're coming to Ohio.  They're coming to Indiana.  Europe is going the opposite direction.  They have realized they can't sustain it anymore.  Europe is trying to get rid of its version of Obamacare, but we have Obamacare yet to fully implement.  All the other goodies that Obama is handing out from his "stash," that number is gonna hit 44% before you can say "social justice!" (interruption) Yes, it infuriates me.  It infuriates me for these people.  (interruption)

No, I'm not so much mad at them.  I mean, that's a waste of time getting mad at them. Sure, some of the 35% are general born freeloaders (every society is gonna have some of those), but a lot of these people have been manufactured. They've been created.  A lot of people think this is what they are due as Americans, that this is their entitlement.  They haven't been taught the founding.  They haven't been taught industriousness.  They haven't been taught self-reliance.  All that stuff's sneered at.  They haven't been taught the beauty of work and achievement, accomplishment, and self-esteem that way.  Folks, this is a crime.  There's not very much could make me cry but this could.  This to me is totally unacceptable.

I saw this yesterday and I said, "I just..." I mean it's something that you instinctively know. We all know there's a lot of welfare. We all know that Democrat Party is promoting it. We all know that, but to see one-third -- one-third! -- of what we would all consider salaries, "wages," is welfare checks? I don't care what you call it, "unemployment compensation," I don't care. It's welfare checks!  It's the redistribution of wealth, pure and simple.  The idea that this is desired and being done on purpose by an entire political party in this country?

Then you realize the Democrats want more people dependent on government, dependent on them so they can keep their phony baloney jobs.  Now the... the... (interruption)  Yeah, the preferred politically correct term is "income transfers." BS!  It's welfare.  My friends, I'm just gonna tell you here: When you have, in the budget pie on the expenditure side, "unemployment compensation" as an entitlement? It's there. It's listed as an entitlement, and it costs as much as Social Security. (snorts) Whoa!  At least with Social Security there is the ruse, there is the illusion that people have contributed to some of it.  You gonna pay people 99 weeks not to work or longer, guess what?  They're not gonna work.  Pure and simple.

I gotta take a break.  We'll do that, we'll get back in a jiffy before you know it.


RUSH:  Well, yeah, I know it's depressing, folks.  I mean some people are so lazy that they will only be unemployed if they're paid to be unemployed.  I mean that's where we're headed.  They're only gonna be unemployed if they're paid to be, and they're gonna expect some kind of entitlement.  Yeah, the worse you tell 'em the economy is the more evidence they think they have for not even trying to find a job, but they still have to eat and live and it's somebody's responsibility, it's not theirs.  It's the Wall Street guys, it's the rich, it's Big Oil. I mean this is the result of what the Democrat rhetoric has been all these years.  You know, if unemployment checks would stop, some people, not all, would be so incensed at being expected to sit around the house for nothing they'd probably do something about it, either protest like in Greece or Wisconsin or maybe they'd even go get a job.



"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Re: Obama's America: A Welfare State
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 11:18:13 pm »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald