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University Of Pittsburgh Report Tries To Explain Away Barbaric Experiments With Aborted Babies

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University Of Pittsburgh Report Tries To Explain Away Barbaric Experiments With Aborted Babies
By: Madeline Osburn
January 27, 2022

After news broke last spring that the University of Pittsburgh is using aborted babies for taxpayer-funded medical research, often in barbaric experiments, Pitt asked an independent firm to conduct an investigation into their researchers’ compliance with state and federal laws. The findings of that investigation were released last week, but the report arguably raises more questions than it answers.

Hyman, Phelps and McNamara (HPM), the D.C.-based law firm hired to conduct the “regulatory assessment,” said they found Pitt’s academic research with human fetal tissue to be “fully compliant with applicable laws.” But a close reading of the 40-page report shows that HPM intentionally limited the scope of their investigation, allowing investigators to turn a blind eye to some of the most damning allegations related to fetal tissue research.

Where Do Babies Come From?


University Of Pittsburgh Report Tries To Explain Away Barbaric Experiments With Aborted Babies
By: Madeline Osburn
January 27, 2022
Corey Seeman

Investigators limited the scope of their assessment, allowing some of the most damning allegations related to fetal tissue research to go unaddressed.
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Madeline Osburn
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After news broke last spring that the University of Pittsburgh is using aborted babies for taxpayer-funded medical research, often in barbaric experiments, Pitt asked an independent firm to conduct an investigation into their researchers’ compliance with state and federal laws. The findings of that investigation were released last week, but the report arguably raises more questions than it answers.

Hyman, Phelps and McNamara (HPM), the D.C.-based law firm hired to conduct the “regulatory assessment,” said they found Pitt’s academic research with human fetal tissue to be “fully compliant with applicable laws.” But a close reading of the 40-page report shows that HPM intentionally limited the scope of their investigation, allowing investigators to turn a blind eye to some of the most damning allegations related to fetal tissue research.
Where Do Babies Come From?

HPM admits they did not investigate the two university clinics where university researchers source their aborted fetal tissue: the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, where more abortions are performed than in any other hospital in the state.

University of Pittsburgh Asked NIH For Help With Bad Press Over Fetal Organ Harvesting 
By  Megan Basham
Apr 20, 2022

New documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the University of Pittsburgh asked the federal government for help dealing with negative media reports over its harvesting of fetal organs for experimentation.

Calling the critical coverage “an organized attempt to delegitimize science,” Pitt Vice Chancellor for science strategy and planning Dr. Jeremy Berg wrote to then-head of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, asking for his help to combat “efforts to undermine important science using fetal tissue.” ... Daily Wire

Horrifying twitter thread about the research on fetal tissue:

Former NIH director Francis Collins, a professing Christian and friend of Big Eva, defended his agency funding research on aborted babies. This week we will see how NIH funded a study that made "non-human animals" with "chimeric brains." (Big Eva may be defined as "the large industry at work within evangelicalism. While the people at the top of these institutions remain true to some biblical beliefs, like the biblical definition of gender, they have strayed into the trap of social justice on other issues like systemic racism." Allie Beth Stuckey)

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