Author Topic: Why Ruling Class Minions Are So Suddenly Doing Damage Control On Covid  (Read 65 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Why Ruling Class Minions Are So Suddenly Doing Damage Control On Covid

JANUARY 18, 2022

Whenever you see truth escaping from the lips of liars like steam from a pressure cooker, you should assume something bigger is cooking under cover.

Corporate media and its government allies seem to be making peace with reality by fessing up to the damages caused by insane policies on Covid. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, recently a host of pundits, politicos, and “experts” seem to be coming clean about facts on the ground, finally acknowledging what most Americans have known for nearly two years: that the never-ending lockdowns and mandates have done colossal damage to our society, to our economy, and most tragically to our children.

But these self-appointed overlords are simply engaged in a form of damage control, a “limited hangout.” When they can no longer hide their lies, they acknowledge the obvious in order to keep their biggest lies on life support. It’s a reframing exercise meant to preserve the wider agenda of consolidating power.

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A Little History of the Term ‘Limited Hangout’
According to Victor Marchetti, a high-level CIA official gone rogue in the 1970s, “limited hangout” is espionage jargon for a strategy of acknowledging facts when a cover story is blown in order to preserve the bigger operation. Doing so can intrigue the listener with the illusion of coming clean, and buy time to adjust the strategy. It amounts to a standard cover-your-rear approach that can also lay the groundwork for blaming others for the damages.

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The Relationship of Truth to Propaganda
The most informative book I’ve seen on propaganda remains Jacques Ellul’s 1965 classic, “Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes.” In it, he describes the need for propagandists to use facts as cover for their hidden intentions. “The truth that pays off is in the realm of facts. The necessary falsehoods, which also pay off, are in the realm of intentions and interpretations.” Intentions, however, are always the “real realm of the lie,” and are difficult to detect.

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What should terrify us most in all of this is the utterly cultish mindset in the ruling class of elites. They really believe they know best and must tell us what to do, that we’re too stupid to understand their glorious vision of the future. With the aid of Big Tech, they aren’t shy about threatening to cancel and crush us if we defy them.

In the end, they’ll take advantage of any opportunities provided by any crisis to exercise their power. This is the kernel of what is limited—hidden—in their sudden hangout of facts.

If we hope to hang on to freedom, we should be prepared to exercise some serious asymmetric resistance. At the very least, we should have learned never to comply with such cruel and unusual punishment.

Perhaps the time was not quite ripe for using the Wuhan virus to squash freedom. But the next crisis is right around the corner, and ruling elites have no intention of letting it “go to waste.”
