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Cold case team shines new light on betrayal of Anne Frank

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Cold case team shines new light on betrayal of Anne Frank

A cold case team that combed through evidence for five years in a bid to unravel one of World War II’s enduring mysteries has reached what it calls the “most likely scenario” of who betrayed Jewish teenage diarist Anne Frank and her family

By MIKE CORDER Associated Press
January 17, 2022, 2:56 PM

AMSTERDAM -- A cold case team that combed through evidence for five years in a bid to unravel one of World War II's enduring mysteries has reached what it calls the “most likely scenario” of who betrayed Jewish teenage diarist Anne Frank and her family.

Their answer, outlined in a new book called “The Betrayal of Anne Frank A Cold Case Investigation,” by Canadian academic and author Rosemary Sullivan, is that it could have been a prominent Jewish notary called Arnold van den Bergh, who disclosed the secret annex hiding place of the Frank family to German occupiers to save his own family from deportation and murder in Nazi concentration camps.

“We have investigated over 30 suspects in 20 different scenarios, leaving one scenario we like to refer to as the most likely scenario,” said film maker Thijs Bayens, who had the idea to put together the cold case team, that was led by retired FBI agent Vincent Pankoke, to forensically examine the evidence.

Bayens was quick to add that, "we don’t have 100% certainty.”


Smokin Joe:
If they can use AI to track down hidden networks from WWII, just imagine what can be done with Fecebook, Twitter, Cell phone messages, and the like.

It's terrifying what people will do when confronted with fascism.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: Kamaji on January 18, 2022, 12:10:02 am ---It's terrifying what people will do when confronted with fascism.

--- End quote ---
Most people are a week of hunger from selling out for a crust of bread.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on January 18, 2022, 12:10:42 am ---Most people are a week of hunger from selling out for a crust of bread.

--- End quote ---

Yes.  And, IMHO, the more convinced someone is that they wouldn't, the more likely it is that they would.


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