Smokin Joe...
Most people are a week of hunger from selling out for a crust of bread.
Hmmm, that might be true for a number of people, but I say it would be just a few days before gangs would begin roving neighborhoods, breaking in and stealing everything not nailed down. And of course, killing anyone that got in their way. Days!!! By the time a week went by, I can imagine thousands dead. As heavily armed as we are in the USA, a number of the gangs' members would be blown away without a thought, but far more innocent folks would die. One month of no food, and I can easily see millions dead across the USA. Yes, millions.
What percent of people have enough food, water, and the necessary defenses to keep it? I venture less than 5%. The rest will be faced with taking it from others or dying.
Becoming thoroughly knowledgeable in survival methods I believe is essential for survival into the future. No telling when the whole system will go to hell. But rest assured, there is no certainty for a secure future.
The Road, a gruesome movie, and when I saw it back when it came out, I thought no way. Now, I see it as easily happening. Easily!!!